Posts tagged Spain
Striking Oil in West Tennessee

On the corner of Carriage House Drive and Wiley Parker Road sits a white building with the words “Madison Place” in big, bold letters over a series of black panel windows. I would assume that if you walked up to most anyone you know that frequents Jackson, Tennessee, and mentioned Madison Place, they’d say, “Oh yeah, that’s the place with the hair salons in it.” Well, friends, business owner Jensen Vinson wants you to know that Madison Place is not just hair salons. “Madison Olive Oil is Jackson’s best-kept secret!” she tells me, and she’s right.

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Home Is Where the Soup Is

In his essay collection Heretics, G.K. Chesterton extols, “Once men sang around a table together in chorus. Now one man sings alone, for the absurd reason he can sing better.” In other words, as our scientific age has grown in competency and achievement we have become isolated from the rootedness which gave rise to our confidence in the first place—experts in everything but being human. Can there be any question this is more true today than when Chesterton wrote almost a century ago?

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Ancient Trails

When the white-tailed deer show up in my backyard, it’s like witnessing a direct link to an age almost forgotten. I freeze in my tracks, and I can’t help but think about their unbroken chain of ancestors going back into the ancient past. These animals were here long before any settlers arrived from Europe. They were the hunted long before rifles replaced bows and arrows. They knew these lands when the waters were still clean and the air was still fresh. They knew these lands when there were no cars and no railroads.

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Hello Jackson: La Cubanita

Since opening in July 2013 at the West Tennessee Farmers' Market, the unique Cuban food of La Cubanita has been a big hit. La Cubanita is operated on the food truck model that has been growing in popularity all over the country. Empanadas, the primary menu item, began as tapas from Spain. In the early 1900s, when the Spanish migrated to Cuba, they brought some of their food traditions with them. The recipe for La Cubanita’s empanadas has been passed down and perfected over four generations.

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