Posts tagged safety
Winds of Change

The Wizard of Oz. That’s my earliest memory of the power of a tornado. From the time I saw that witch riding a bicycle in the air with that house spinning out of control, the power of a tornado had me under its thumb. As a five-year-old, I had no idea how close I would come to that dominance that struck so much fear in me as a child. West Tennessee, and Jackson in particular, is no stranger to tornadoes. As much as we think tornadoes are an indiscriminate act of nature, they’re not. 

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On: The Jackson Fire Department Life Safety House

The Jackson Fire Department is in the process of constructing an important safety training tool for our community, the Life Safety House. The simulator, located on Conalco Drive, consists of three different rooms and will give community members tips and information on properly handling threatening situations in the home. As guests walk into the converted trailer, they will see a classroom where the instructors can give school groups a presentation on safety in the event of fire or natural disaster.

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Bringing Unity to the Community

Every April in Jackson, people from all over the area gather together by volunteering to contribute to the annual event “Month of Miracles.” Month of Miracles is a program started by Mayor Jerry Gist to give volunteers the opportunity to be connected to a service project that meets with their individual passions and interests. There are opportunities to help by painting, gardening, photography, and cleaning to just name a few.

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