Posts tagged Kickstarter
A Metamorphosis of Imagination

The baby carrier weighs heavy on my forearm as I knock on the door of the Pflasterers’ century-old home. It’s Valentine’s Day, and it just so happened that the family had some free time to sit down with me to discuss their most recent creative endeavor, Mariposa Pictures. In a few short hours, we’ll switch places as the five of them trek over to my home to watch our baby while my husband and I go out for our first official date night in our five months as new parents.

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A Conversation With: Coopertheband

Being young with creative aspirations takes hard work and initiative, sometimes particularly so in smaller towns. Yet Jackson is the lucky home to a plethora of up-and-coming talent with big plans for the future. Having lived and worked here for several years now, the members of Coopertheband are no strangers to the trials and rewards of the independent music world. They have recently played several shows back-to-back in the community, extending their central messages of hope and joy through their lyrics.

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