Posts tagged JCPenny
Jackson Grown: Wakeema Hollis

August 1966 was a complicated time in the United States. Across the American landscape, leaders emerged, convictions solidified and movements progressed around highly-charged civil rights issues such as voting, education, and worker rights. It was also host to a range of less visible currents that touched the lives of African Americans. Frances, the daughter of West Tennessee sharecroppers and devoted parents, grew up in this time of tectonic social and political shifts.

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The Man Behind the Beard

I walk into Rafferty’s and approach the hostess desk, informing them that I have a meeting with Santa. I am pointed in his direction without much hesitation, and he isn't difficult to spot. He wears a traditional Santa hat, and his coat is draped over a chair next to him. We exchange a firm and welcoming handshake as I pull up my chair. I take in the details of his extravagant red and gold paisley vest and a vintage cream shirt, along with his red pants and bells on his boots. I am impressed with his attire.

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