A Measure of Love

BY Elvia Trejo

PHOTOS BY Cari Griffith

Featured in Vol 9, Issue 1: Community

La familia Molina ya ha tenido un gran impacto en la comunidad latina de Jackson en solo dos años de vivir aquí. Con orgullo, abrieron la primera y única Panadería en Jackson, La Panadería El Triunfo, un negocio familiar que tiene un profundo significado para ellos. Ismael, el papá y dueño, aprendió el arte de la panadería desde que era niño, una habilidad y talento que ha sido transmitido a través de generaciones en su familia. Ahora Ismael continúa esa tradición como la quinta persona de su familia en abrir una panadería en los Estados Unidos.

Cuando la familia Molina se mudó a Jackson, vieron una necesidad y un deseo de tener una Panadería, y estaban ansiosos por cumplirlo. La familia, compuesta por Ismael, Angelica (mamá) y los hijos Jazmín, Jimena, Génesis y Jorge, todos trabajan juntos y sus hijos después de la escuela y los fines de semana para hacer que la panadería sea un éxito. Originarios de Tonala, Jalisco, México, la familia Molina tiene fuertes lazos con su cultura, y sus recetas son tesoros familiares que se han transmitido durante generaciones.

The Molina family has already made a huge impact on the Latino community in Jackson in just two years of living here. They proudly opened the first and only Panaderia in Jackson, La Panaderia El Triunfo, a family-run business that holds deep significance to them. Ismael, the dad and owner, learned the art of baking as a child, a skill and talent that has been passed down through generations in his family. Isamael is now carrying on that tradition as the fifth person in his family to open a Panaderia in the United States.

When the Molina family moved to Jackson, they saw a need and desire for a Panaderia, and they were eager to fulfill it. The family, consisting of Ismael, Angelica (mom), and children Jazmín, Jimena, Génesis and Jorge, all work together, the children working after school and on weekends to make the bakery a success. Originally from Tonala, Jalisco, Mexico, the Molina family has strong ties to their culture, and their recipes are family treasures that have been passed down for generations.

Ismael y Angelica quieren que la comunidad de Jackson sepa que están aquí para servir y construir comunidad. Su panadería no se trata solo de vender pan; se trata de compartir el pan y construir amistades, creando un sentido de hogar para todos los que cruzan sus puertas. Ellos creen que es importante transmitir sus tradiciones a sus hijos para que su cultura continúe prosperando. Cuando entras en la panadería, tomarás una charola roja y unas pinzas, y te dirigirás a los gabinetes hechos a mano que están llenos de pan de todas las formas y tamaños. Ofrecen conchas, cacahuates, mantecadas, novias y más. Al igual que todos sus panes, sus bolillos hechos desde cero son hábilmente medidos y amasados a mano para crear deliciosos bollillos para tortas.

Ismael and Angelica want the Jackson community to know that they are here to serve and build community. Their bakery is not just about selling bread; it's about breaking bread and building friendships, creating a sense of home for everyone who walks through their doors. They believe it's important to pass down their traditions to their children so that their culture continues to thrive. When you enter the bakery, you’ll pick up a red tray and a pair of tongs, and head over to the handmade cabinets that are piled high with pastries of all shapes and sizes. They offer conchas, manteccadas, novias and more.  Like all of their pastries, their scratch-made bolillios are skillfully measured and rolled by hand to create their delicious sandwich rolls.

Ismael describe la panadería como una relación que necesita amor, atención y la familia para prosperar. Su objetivo es tener su propio edificio, comprar un horno más grande y contratar más empleados, todo mientras mantienen viva y feliz su relación con sus clientes. La familia Molina está dedicada a brindar un ambiente amigable y acogedor, y están agradecidos por la oportunidad de compartir su pasión por la panadería, su rica herencia cultural y sus valores familiares con la comunidad de Jackson.

Ismael describes the bakery as a relationship that needs love, attention, and family to thrive. Their goal is to own their own building, purchase a bigger oven, and hire more employees, all while keeping their relationship with their customers alive and happy. The Molina family is dedicated to providing a friendly and welcoming environment, and they are grateful for the opportunity to share their passion for baking and their rich cultural heritage and family values with the Jackson community.

Elvia Trejo is a VISTA for Love Your Block and a seamstress. With a strong passion for bridge building, she is dedicated to bringing communities and cultures closer together. In her free time, she enjoys spending quality time with her friends or baking with husband Nicolas and children Leo, Leia and Lorenzo. She enjoys crochet and a good book at the end of any day.

Cari Griffith is a gardener and a photographer with a lifelong affection for seed sowing and storytelling. She lives a very sweet life in midtown with her husband Rob. She spends most of her time behind a computer or a camera, and her most treasured moments are eating dinner with her friends both near and far.