We all need a place to start. An artist needs a canvas, a muralist needs a wall. Maybe you’ve wanted to tell the story of some complex history in our community through a podcast, or create a series of videos highlighting some facet of our city, or create an interactive community art installation. But there are barriers in the form of equipment, funding, time, support and creative direction.

The purpose of Our Jackson Home’s Artist in Residence program is to provide these artists and storytellers with opportunities to practice their craft and improve our community, connecting them to funding, resources, and a platform to create their work right here in Jackson, Tennessee.



Artists in Residence are encouraged to find unique ways to connect with the community during the program. During Wendy’s Residency, she completed projects for Jackson’s Blessing Boxes and Comeunity Cafe, finished off with a mural at the Lost Reserve. The mural was announced on 731Day, with a mural scavenger hunt throughout Jackson leading to the location.


Building owner Ginger Williams had an idea. And a wall. But she needed an artist and a vision. In the midst of COVID-19, it felt like our community needed a message of hope. We partnered with Ginger and connected her with Wendy to develop a mural concept that would bring beauty and hope to the space behind the vintage shop The Lost Reserve. TheCO sponsored this project, providing Wendy with funding for materials and labor.



“When I first started thinking about having a community mural, I wanted it to be a message of hope and community. And I thought a 5 x 5‘ Instagram wall would be plenty...thankfully. Our Jackson Home and Wendy Hailey Kim had bigger ideas than me.

Then once we started talking about hands and what they communicate, I knew I had to check with my friend Lesley Guilaran. She was my neighbor and, thanks to her and her two deaf children, I was able to learn some sign language. I learned mostly things like “let’s play later” and “watch TV” “jump,” “right and wrong” .... And most importantly “I love you “.

It’s been a crazy few months for everybody but if you look back over the moments that were good and hopeful, more than likely they were moments when you felt loved or showed love to others.”- Ginger Williams, Mural Commissioner & Building Owner



“Living in a small town as a professional artist can be very isolating. Add a global health pandemic, and things can get truly bleak. This summer, during the height of our loneliness & fears, I had to bring my studio into my dining room and all my paintings began to look like those coronavirus illustrations from the news and health websites. My husband had just lost his job, and we were weighing whether to stay or leave Jackson. I had been trying to do some public art in town, and had felt like we were finally picking up steam before the pandemic started. It’s difficult to work in a vacuum. Artists depend on the support of their community to thrive and I truly appreciate all those who have shown that support. 

When you give an artist a project, you give them a reason to create. A problem to solve. A reason to continue to move forward. An art residency does this in a way that gives artists a rare gift of time that they don’t have to feel guilty about spending on art and the freedom to express themselves. That is what I experienced this summer when Our Jackson Home gave me the opportunity to be their first ever Artist in Residence. I was finally given the chance to use my skills in my hometown and I am so grateful. Thanks to Our Jackson Home, theCO, and Ginger Williams, through this residency, I finally felt seen in Jackson and appreciated as a mural artist.” -Wendy Hailey Kim, 2020 Artist-in-Residence


Check out Wendy’s mural behind The Lost Reserve at 1417 N Highland Ave!