Film: theCOtoberfest 2015


We had a blast last year at theCO's first annual celebration of theCOtoberfest—but what is it exactly? Check out this video by Kevin Adelsberger highlighting the best of last year's event, and join us this weekend for an even better time!

theCOtoberfest begins with the Pop-Up Art Gallery on Friday, October 21, at 5:00 p.m.. Saturday events last 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Click here to learn more, and make sure to invite your friends to the Facebook event.

Kevin Adelsberger and his wife Renae moved to Jackson for college (proud Union alumni) and have stayed every since. Jackson has since taken hold of Kevin’s heart, and he looks forward to continuing to grow with the city. Kevin opened Adelsberger Marketing in 2014 and saw working with Our Jackson Home as a way that he could serve the city he loves. Kevin and Renae are members of First Baptist Church and volunteer with the youth group there and with Madison County CASA.